Why You Should Hire Mature Aged Workers

A 2015 Intergenerational Government Report projects that the number of Australians aged 65 and over will more than double by 2055, when there will be around 40,000 people aged 100 and over. For anyone running a business, this presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Everybody wants to feel they can make a contribution of value, […]

Melbourne: 4 Signs You Need A Bookkeeper

As a small business owner, you may start off by doing everything yourself. However, as the business grows and develops you may find yourself spread thin. There are some tasks that you may need assistance completing. Evaluating what area is lacking is vital in determining where to seek help. An area of business that is […]

LinkedIn Profile Tips

LinkedIn is a very popular professional networking platform, where job seekers and employers can connect. As a job seeker, it can be tough to find a job on your own. Creating a LinkedIn profile gives you an advantage, especially against candidates who do not have an account. What can you do to improve your profile? Some […]

Administration Jobs in Melbourne

Are you looking for an Administration job in Melbourne? If you are in the middle of your job search you will know that a lot of companies are looking for administrative positions. That’s really good news, but it also means that a lot of candidates will be applying which means competition. How to stand out […]

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