The first few days of 2016 are already over and you can feel yourself dreading the daily grind of your job – infact you can barely deal with the fact that you have to go back. The other painful thing is that you won’t get a paid again until some far off date at the end of January – and you’ve spent huge amounts of money over Christmas and the New Year and are broke.
What are your options?
Do you feel compelled to wallow in self-pity and struggle through the rest of January? Or do you decide to give it a positive spin and challenge yourself with a month to change your life?
Obtaining a new job in just one simple month does seem a little daunting, but as Michael our Managing Director say’s it is absolutely doable. January is by far and away the busiest time for individuals who want to change or reinvigorate their careers and also their lives. All you need is a big does of proactivity and positivity. Because as we all know pretty much anything is possible if you put your mind to it!
Here is our week-by-week guide to securing your perfect job in 2016!!
Week 1 : Start as you mean to go on…
Begin as you mean to go on. Being rejected hurts – we have all been there – but if you let desperation in early you are unfortunately setting yourself up for failure. As clichéd as it sounds, positive thinking really is imperative in the first week. Even if you successfully land an interview, you may realise that you have developed a cynical attitude which could potentially put off your potential employer.
Try to remind yourself of your skills, strengths and successes. Do you really think you are the sort of person that throws in the towel so easily? Always remember your immense value as an individual. You can do this. And don’t be put off if the job you are applying for needs a skill you don’t have – there is always time to learn. Sign up for an evening class, visit your local careers advice centre and keep pushing forward. Staying positive is a difficult but absolutely necessary requirement of the job seeking process.
Week 2 : Highlight your strengths…
Week two is really the make or break time. If you are not sticking to your four-week plan now, then you’re in trouble. If a job needs qualifications you don’t have, just don’t bother. You will most certainly be banging your head against a brick wall. If you are qualified for the role, have a sit down with a friend and talk through your attributes and skills. Ask yourself: “What can I bring to this job that others can’t?” Be detailed about this. Get to know the person specification inside and out. Are you really that individual? If the answer is yes, go for it. If it’s a no, don’t see this as a sticking point.
As you’re coming up to the halfway mark in your job search, it’s also good to think about what you actually enjoy doing. Why apply for a job that will only make you unhappy? There is no point jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Do not assume your dream job doesn’t exist either. It’s a big world, so cast your net as widely as possible. Seek and you shall find (and with a bit of luck line up a super-fast interview).
Week 3 : interview time…
If you have gone out of your way to sell yourself, week three could easily bring a time for that anticipated job interview. At the interview, don’t be bashful about doing things differently. This is your big chance to show yourself off at that all important first meeting with the person who will hopefully become your new boss. First impressions really do count. Your new boss could be sitting in front of you so do something to make sure you are remembered above all of the other candidates. Paramount is to ensure you leave the interview knowing you’ve done your best.
Week 4 : Clean up your act….
Week four. The interview went well and you can relax, right? Wrong. The last week of your plan could easily be the most crucial. Attention to detail is everything. You may have sailed through the interview, but you can bet your bottom dollaryour new employer is, right now, trawling social media to see what they can find out about you.
We live in a digital world and there’s no escaping the importance of social media. Ensure your profile on LinkedIn and any other professional networking sites reflects who you are and your career to date as this will most certainly give yourself a better chance of being noticed. Get your name out there. You may find that you connect with people who end up on your interview panel or who have the power to shortlist you for a position. Facebook and Twitter can also reap great rewards if used properly. Do remember that those photos of you and your mates out on the town may not go down well with prospective employers. It’s a given that companies check social media these days so clean up your profile. Use the internet to promote yourself and your talents. Don’t let stupidity ruin your chances of success.
The January blues get to us all, but if you are determined to succeed you really can change your job prospects in just one simple month.
Good Luck!